Sunday, February 12, 2012

Is there any Christian sect that rejects the Book of Revelation?

Or is there any that looks upon it with disfavor?Is there any Christian sect that rejects the Book of Revelation?
I don't know. I studied the Bible as literature in college under an English professor who also was a Presbyterian minister, and he certainly didn't think very highly of the book.

According to the following Wikipedia article -- at least if no one has changed the Wiki entry recently -- there also have been some historically prominent Christians who questioned the worth of Revelation鈥?/a>

Martin Luther, for instance, is reported to have dismissed the importance or relevance of Revelation in writings he published in 1522, although he later changed his mind in other writings published in 1530..

Wikipedia also says that John Calvin expressed "grave doubts" about the book.

Wiki further quotes Thomas Jefferson, a deist, as once describing Revelation as "merely the ravings of a maniac, no more worthy nor capable of explanation than the incoherences of our own nightly dreams."

The English novelist D.H. Lawrence, similarly, thought the book was the death-obsessed product of oppressed poor people dreaming of a violent end to their Roman overlords: "It is very nice if you are poor and not humble ... to bring your enemies down to utter destruction, while you yourself rise up to grandeur. And nowhere does this happen so splendiferously than in Revelation."[

On the other, some modern leftwing and feminist Christians adhering to Liberation Theology have supposedly embraced the book, not as a bloody-minded revenge fantasy, but instead as a vision of a future world in which justice will [eventually] prevail.

For example, Wikipedia lists among the modern admirers of Revelation such liberal or leftwing religious thinkers as William Stringfellow, anti-war activist Father Daniel Berrigan and the feminist theologian Elisabeth Schuessler Fiorenza.

Another Calvinist Protestant Christian thinker who I believe may have been impressed by Revelation was the Presbyterian missionary and theologian Richard Shaull, whose ideas about Christ's meaning for the poor of Latin America anticipated what later became known as Liberation Theology.鈥?/a>

Another leftwing Christian who seems to have found revolutionary meanings in the Book of Revelation is Father Ernesto Cardenal, the priest and poet who served as minister of culture in the Sandinista government in Nicaragua in the 1980s.鈥?/a>
I have no knowledge of this. It has to be the most misunderstood of all the books. Spiritual insight is a one in a hundred thousand kind of knowing.

I think Yogananda had that insight and would trust what he has to say on the revelation.Is there any Christian sect that rejects the Book of Revelation?
If they do, then they are not true Christians.

You cannot like one part of the bible and then hate another.

I am more spiritual than religious, and I do not agree with alot in the bible, but it is still one of the most interesting books I have ever read.

All denominations respect and accept the Book; it is just how it is interpreted that seems to be the problem.


Michael KellyIs there any Christian sect that rejects the Book of Revelation?
Lots of people think that 666 is the number for the emperor Nero.

his letters equal 666.

They believe who ever wrote revelation was talking about Nero.
I believe the ethiopian orthodox church does and instead uses the Aplocolypse of Peter
No but there are many many denominations of Christians that misinterpret it
catholics pretty much bend it out of shape, for obvious reasons, if you have read the book
yes there are many that do not even touch it or use it

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