Saturday, February 18, 2012

Christian evolutionists: Why do you put more faith in a man's book rather than in God's book?

I mean, it may seem like "scientific evidence", but you should never believe in man before you believe in God. What's the point of being a Christian if you aren't going to believe in Him first?Christian evolutionists: Why do you put more faith in a man's book rather than in God's book?
Why do you think your ability to interpret the Bible is flawless? You think you know which parts are poetic, which are metaphorical and which are literal, and you think you can't possibly be mistaken. Why do you have so much faith in your own opinions? Are you perfect? Don't you know how many times over the course of history ideas about what was literal and what was not literal have changed? If the Bible is perfect and no mis-interpretation is possible, why did Martin Luther believe that the Bible said stars were points of light fixed in the firmament of the heavens? Why did Cotton Mather preach that the Bible said the world did not move or turn? Did they make mistakes? If they could, surely you could too.
By walking up right, you put faith in Physics and science. You put faith that when you walk outside, you have air to breathe. God has created science to help us progress. I have no problem with accepting science and logic, while still believing fully in my God and the Bible.Christian evolutionists: Why do you put more faith in a man's book rather than in God's book?
God's book was written by man, remember that.

And Christians focus on a personal relationship with God, and whatever their opinions are of the bible, their salvation comes from faith in God, not faith in "God's book"
They are educated enough to know that what you mean by "God's book" is your own understanding of what you read in the KJV. Hopefully, fanatics like you won't infiltrate the education system anywhere.Christian evolutionists: Why do you put more faith in a man's book rather than in God's book?
why do I adhere to scientific evidence for evolution rather than take genesis account as literal? well, simply because there is no reason to deny the Scientific evidence. If you deny reasonable evidence, then it becomes inexplicable why we don't deny any and all evidence and only adhere to what ever fits our predispositions. As Christians we are supposed to seek the truth in all that we do and believe. and sense reason is the only tool for discovering truth, then therefore if there are good reasons that support evolution then it is therefore true until proven untrue.

now, given this true fact about the world we must therefore reinterpret genesis. now, genesis IS NOT the foundation of the christian faith. the foundation of our faith is expressed by the Apostle Paul in 1Corinthians 15, which is the first oral creed in Christendom. namely that Christ died and rose from the dead. "If christ is not raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is futile", The Apostle Paul. So, given this, evolution poses no problem at all to christianity. The evidence for evolution simply forces the christian to reinterpret genesis. Remember, the bible was always a theological book containing theological truths. that is why it is called the WORD OF GOD. the bible is expressing the logos, revealing Gods character and will. As one biblical scholar put it. the bible was not written to us, it was written for us. The details within genesis are simply mirroring the "science" of the time in which it was written. The main idea behind genesis is that God created all that exists. the second basic narrative behind genesis explains that mankind fell away from God's original plan.

good videos:

Adam and Evolution (N.T. Wright and others):鈥?/a>

John Walton on Understanding Genesis:鈥?/a>
Because people should use their minds, and not blindly follow discredited nonsense, when the evidence shows that that is what that is.

Evolution is a FACT, bucko, deal with it.
It isn't actually god telling you stuff, is it? It's men who say they know what god thinks, or a book written by men who claim to know what god thinks.

That's just trusting men too, isn't it?
Really I see any problem ...! I read Gospel in a theological way and a scientific treatise in a scientific way. Is there anyone reading a novel in a scientific way!? Or a comic strip in a theological way!?
God's book? That in itself is the view of a fundamentalist Christian. I try to stay away from narrow minded people like you.
Because God never said that Evolution was BS.

All you have to do is abandon logic and rationality for superstition and fairy tales. Really great advice.
God's book was written by men - written by men who tell us today that Jesus was not the Messiah - why do you ignore what these men are saying?
I don't think the theory of evolution conflicts with the Bible.
Well now, what's the point if they are going to have a go at each other? *feels a bit...unnecessary*
fantasy just can't compete with reality ...
Bible was written by man...
He's right, be an atheist! there are no hidden fees and no restrictions!
If a person believes in evolution. they are not Christians.

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