Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What are some good "atheist books" for a Christian to read? Me and a friend are doing a book-swap thing...?

A christian friend of mine has offered to read a recommended atheist book if I read The Shack. What are some good, reasonable but persuasive books that aren't insulting to believers?What are some good "atheist books" for a Christian to read? Me and a friend are doing a book-swap thing...?
God's Problem: How the Bible Fails to Answer Our Most Important Question--Why We Suffer

by Bart D. Ehrman

Written by a biblical scholar, former Christian. Not angry, not accusing, not belittling, very respectful, very straight.

He actually says that he wishes he could ignore his intellect and go with his heart, but he feels that would be a self-betrayal.

Read the reviews on Amazon, you'll agree with me that this is the most persuasive, least insulting, book on the impossiblility of God.
Richard Dawkins, The god delusion

I am an Atheist, I read that one, I like it.

I dont think its insulting. Dawkins is an Atheist, and so he talks of tha tpoint of view.

BUT, there are a lot of FACTS, that he brings together. Its not just something he pulls out of his a**ss.

Also, everything he says, makes sense to me. I know, that many believers feel insulted by the book, I really dont see why. He also states very clear on the beginning, that he is not trying to be insulting.

But he do makes clear, he will talk about religion, without any respect.What are some good "atheist books" for a Christian to read? Me and a friend are doing a book-swap thing...?

Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders

By American Psychiatric Association, American Psychiatric Association. Task Force on DSM-IV.

published by the American Psychiatric Association, is the standard classification of mental disorders used by mental health professionals in the United States.
What level of reading are we talking here? If we're talking high-end, I'd recommend Religion Explained by Pascal Boyer. If we're talking something a little more "general public," maybe one of those "I used to be a preacher but now I'm an atheist" books, like Dan Barker or John Loftus (neither of which I've read, but which seem like they'd be more persuasive than the standard "new atheist" fare)What are some good "atheist books" for a Christian to read? Me and a friend are doing a book-swap thing...?
um "Letter to a Christian Nation" is a good one by Sam Harris

It is really short, takes like an hour to read, but it is to the point

My top choice would be "The God Delusion", but it is 400 pages and the person may lose interest if they dont enjoy the topic.

I would go with the first one though
This is horrible! If your friend is a true Christian, then he is a good, kind, and loving person, who adores Jesus,and his name is written in the Book of Life!

Why would you want to try to take that away from him?

Would you rather than he lost his salvation, and became a drug addict...or a thief or a murderer? Or how about suicidal?

We have something GOOD in our lives when we have Jesus. You would never, ever understand unless the Holy Spirit touched your heart!

It's one thing to tell your friend that you are not interested in Jesus...but to ask him to read books that could make him question his faith...I shudder to think what God has planned for you by doing this!
Fiction or non-fiction?

One non-fiction book is "Misquoting Jesus," by Dr. Bart Ehrman. I don't know if he calls himself an atheist, but his work is meant to find fallacies in the Bible. That might be an insult to your friend, but he/she might need to be aware of it anyway.
The God Delusion, by Richard Dawkins, God is Not Great, by Christopher Hitchens are good books that espouse atheism....
I'm an Atheist and have never read an Atheist book. Sorry.
Harry Potter.
A Brief History Of Time By: Stephen Hawking. It's from the 80's but its an ultimate classic. Or just the Origin of Species. That is the scientists bible! As I am sure you know.
The Bible is a fine self-debunking pamphlet...
'The god delusion' by richard dawkin is a good book
The God Delusion, Godless by Dan Barker,
50 Reasons People Give for Believing in God by Guy Harrison
The God Delusion

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