Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Good Christian Book?

I've been wanting to read a good Christian book. I want something that isn't too complected and isn't boring. Can you guys give me good suggestions and a brief little summary of what the book is about? Thanks a lot!A Good Christian Book?
"A Walk to Remember" - Nicholas Sparks - 1999

An angry young man with divorced parents, through detention, gets to know a somewhat reclusive girl in his school and it changes everything for the both of them.
its hard to find good christian bookA Good Christian Book?
Portrait of the artist as a young man by James Joyce. Probably the very best account of growing up catholic and being an artist ever written.
well, steven james is a very good writer. his book, 'story' is one of my favorites.. also the shack by william p young, the noticer by andy andrews, and the ragamuffin gospel by brennan manning is good as well. :) happy readingA Good Christian Book?
Try The Case for Christ or The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel. The books are about why the author became a christian, and how he researched and interviewed experts, and came to the conclusion that Jesus is real and that He is the Son of God.
Here's a place to read free articles on various topics:…
hinds feet on high places by Hannah Hurnard

its about a girl named much afraid going through trials to get to high places
Here's two;

Praise The Lord Anyway - Frances Gardner Hunter

The Cross and the Switchblade - David Wilkerson
The Shack is about a man whose daughter gets murdered and how he deals with that and his relationship with God.

Blue Like Jazz is also a good one, it is about being a christian but it isn't all "christiany" if that makes any sense.
Left Behind Series

More than a Carpenter

Anything by CS Lewis ( you would probably like the Screwtape letters)

Anyhting by Josh Mcdowell
Well its not really a Christian book but its called The Five People You meet in Heaven. Its about a really old man who works at a fair and is killed by a roller coaster and it talks about how he finds his place in Heaven. Really good book: )
The Pagan Christ - Tom Harpur

Farewell to God - Charles Templeton
There's 5 People You Meet in Heaven- story about a man who died and went to Heaven to undergo some life-review. As in having flashbacks on the lives he affected and affected him.

There's Conversations with God-a first person point of view story about a man who lost his livelihood. He wrote an angry letter to God and then one night the ideas came to him. He started writing them down. It contained answers to questions about life, love and material possession. It adopts New Age theology, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Spiritualism and Pantheism.
Depends on what kind of Christian book you're looking for - they have all genres (with maybe a few exceptions). If you're looking for a good book to kind of introduce you to the basic Christian beliefs, you can't miss with "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis. A good not-too-long introduction to the basics of Christianity. Any Christian bookstore should have it - it's available through Amazon too... The reason I like C.S. Lewis is that he didn't have a denominational axe to grind. He started out as an atheist, but wound up a Christian after spending a long time of reflection. A great read if you really want to know exactly what it is that Christians believe (regardless of where you're at in the religious/non-religious spectrum...)

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