Saturday, February 18, 2012

Does this Count as a Christian Book?

My mom says that I need to read a religious book to "help me with my faith". I've already read The Shack, Pilgrim's Progress, and The Case for Christ, and she wants me to find another one. I don't prefer any of those books, mainly because I like fantasy (but I didn't like Pilgrim's Progress).

Recently, I've been reading The Year of Living Bibically by A.J. Jacobs, and I prefer it over all the other ones I've already read. However, my mom says that it isn't really a religious book and that it puts down religion instead. I can tell you, that isn't true. In fact, I've learned more facts about history and the meaning behind the Bible. Sure there's humor, but it doesn't slam the Christian community. For those of you who have read/heard about it, do you think it counts as a real religious book?

So, if you don't think it is a religious read, could you recommend a good one (meaning not too preachy)? My friends have already recommended The Chronicles of Narnia, but my mom doesn't count those.

Thanks.Does this Count as a Christian Book?
If you like fantasy, check out an author by the name of Ted Dekker. He has a website with a listing of his books. There is a series called the Circle Trilogy I think you would like. I personally thought it to be on the scale of Lord of the Rings. The books within the trilogy are Black, Red, and White. If you start the first one, Black, you'll have a hard time putting it down.

He is a Christian writer, but not too much mention about God. He hides the religious with metaphors and similes.
Read the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I am not joking, I have lent it to several Christians and it really made them think....And laugh too.Does this Count as a Christian Book?
"Peace with God" by Billy Graham.
Frank Peretti series are fantasy, about warrior angels, very good, you'll probably enjoy those. Does this Count as a Christian Book?
Be very careful of what you are reading because they can mislead you away from the truth in the Bible. Not all of what those books that claim to be facts are. Find your books in a Bible book store.
I second the recommendation of Frank Peretti's novels. I also really loved Deadline by Randy Alcorn.
Life of Christ. it's by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen.


The Teaching of Christ. its by Bishop Donald W. Wuerl, Ronald Lawler, and Thomas Comerford Lawler.
"What's So Great About Christianity" by Dinesh D'Souza is a great book that is informative and a good read.
OMG! You gotta be kidding!?!?!

Are you locked in a cage, too?


They should be reported for child abuse!

pssssst! If you get the chance, and want to read REAL books, see if you can buy a flashlight and a tent and in the wee hours of the night....

when no one is awake.....

read these:

Harry Potter

Christopher Hitchens


Omar Khayyam

Thomas Hobbes

Benedict de Spinoza

David Hume

James Boswell

Percy Bysshe Shelley

John Stewart Mill


Karl Marx

Saul Alinsky

George Eliot (A woman with a man's name!)

Charles Darwin

Richard Dawkins

Anatole France


Daniel Dennett


Ayaan Hirsi Ali (was a victim of female genital mutilation)


Thomas Hardy

H.L. Mencken

Sigmund Freud

Carl Jung

Albert Einstein's various writings on religion

Carl Van Doren




Try Pagan Christianity by Frank Viola

Don't diss it due to the title

What if America Were a Christian Nation Again by Kennedy

From what I have heard of the Shack it is not Biblical so I would not claim it to be Christian and would not send a friend to buy it.

Honestly, as a mother, I would choose a book such as the Bible and read it to my children and discuss it together. A really good Narrative Chronological Bible is what I would choose.

I think that you would do well to listen to your Mom. Not only dose she know you but loves you more than anyone ever will .

As to Book choices you did not tell us how old you are so that we know what age appropriate materials would best fit you.

With having read the things you mentioned I would suggest C.S. Lewis as an Author He has many excellent Books which fit into that Genera . Have you possibly his trilogy which aired on television this weekend? The books are much better. Start with the Hobbit and go from there. You might have some real fun

The Tim LaHaye books are excellent! He with Jerry Jenkins are Two of the Best Authors of Religious materials Around and The Left Behind Series are the Absolute tops. There are several series of titles to choose from but The Left Behind series Is top Rate. If you would know Bible Prophecy and would like to learn it in a fun way This series is For You . Start with the Prequels to the series. Frankly Harry Potter

Cannot compaire because the events and PreHistory called Prophecies ARE Going to Happe ONE DAY REAL Soon! After you read these Check out Tim Lahayes " How to discover the Bible forYourself. It is a Fun and easy to verify the facts in the Left Behind Books and to discover them for your self..

Good luck to you and Be sure of the Most important thing . Besure that you have accepted God's Gift of Salvation through Jesus The Messiah for your self. None of this will make sence untill you do.

Read the series by Tim Lahaye %26amp; Jerry Jenkins call "Left Behind". There are 13 books in all from the "Rapture" of the Christian Church through to the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Wonderful series. Once you read the first book, you can't wait to get to the next one. These are fictional books but based on the known facts in the the book of Revelation. Great reading. Enjoy
I would suggest "The Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis

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