Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Starting a Christian book club...any recommendations?

Hey everyone!

As the question states, I am looking to start a Christian book club with some of my friends. I was wondering if any of you had any recommendations for some good books we could start with. It's not a big deal if it's non-fiction or fiction, or even self help books. Anything and everything that stands out as an excellent Christian read is great! Thank you!Starting a Christian book club...any recommendations?
My mom loves the book "A Purpose Driven Life" She gave it to me for Christmas one year. I never read it :S. But it's definitely religious.
i got given the little white horse by my church

xxxStarting a Christian book club...any recommendations?

Sorry, that's the only one I can think of.


White Witch=Devil



Edmund=Everyone that Jesus died for.
The Good Earth- "Pearl S Buck. "Green Mansions" Marc Connelly. "Inherit the Wind" Jerome Lawrence and Robert E Lee.Starting a Christian book club...any recommendations?
The Bible
Maybe Narnia...

I just have to point out that I think it's AWESOME of you for doing so!!!

God Bless You!!!

I think we all should unite as Christians in fellowship...

As always, God Bless!!!
Recently a man named Mark Cahill came to my school to speak for us. He's a full time evangelist and a great speaker. He gave away his books for free, and on his website you can get them for free!

He has two books:

One Thing You Can't Do in Heaven (More for Christians. Talks about witnessing)

One Hearbeat Away (gives lots of proof that God exists and the Bible is true. More for athiests than Christians, but Christians can read this book if they want to witness to others)

They're very interesting and I would recommend them. I mean, why not? They're free! (And no, this isn't a scam. He has witnessed to celebrities such as Tiger Woods, Charles Barkley? [he used to be very close friends with him until Charles? didn't like how he was a Christian :( ], and more!

Jesus Among Other Gods by Ravi K Zacharias (look it up on Google) is an easy to read book, too. It proves God's existence.

You can also look up some books at this Christian bookstore website form my area;
I would recommend The Circle by Ted Dekker. This is an adult trilogy but, I would recommend it for anyone who is mature enough to understand and focus becuase it is long. Another good book is the Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. Both give good insight into Christianity.

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