Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Christian book- Out with God?

Okay so there is this book, I'm not sure what it is called or who it is by, but it is a christian one. I want to say it is something like out with God, or Going out with God, or Dating God, or something like that. Inside the book it gives 10-20 suggestions of how to build your relationship with God by doing things, such as going to an art museum, going to lunch, or an amusement park. It explained what you were to do there and then it gave you a journaling space. The book is larger than most, maybe spiral bound, or not. It is not extremely new, but maybe a year or two. I think that's all I really remember. Any help is greatly appreciated!Christian book- Out with God?
Sorry, Haven't read any reviews, or anything about it till now...

good luck!!!Christian book- Out with God?
I assume that the book is to promote your relationship with God like going on a blind date or something. The challenge with the premise start at the beinging of the Bible: "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." The Creator of the Heavens and the earth is quite a bit more than a blind date.

If you put all theat God made in a box, God would be the only thing outside as God is different from His creation. God is different from anything else you know.

If you want to date God, don't go to the places He isn't likely to speak. Instead, go to His written word. As you listen to the only book that is alive an active, you will heard His spoken word first. With most people, they have to study His written word. Latter, they hear and follow His spoken too. But the written is the one to measure the spoken will never find His spoken word to go against His written word....per God

Hope this helps.Christian book- Out with God?
Nothing with a title close to that jumps out of a few searches. Maybe you're thinking of Joshua Harris's book: " I kissed dating goodbye" or "Stop dating the church" They often come with workbooks which are larger and have space for your own thoughts, journaling etc.

I'd agree with the other answerer that the relationship between you and God is not one to trivialize or even cast only in human language such as dating or "going out" ; so if the title really is something like: "Dating God" I think it sets a tone of bringing God down to our level.

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