Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Christians: What is your favorite christian book(s) other than the Bible?

What are you favorite books - christian books that have really impacted you, other than the Bible?

Please include the author's name.

List as many as you like.

My favorites are:

1. Hiding from Love by John Townsend - God used it to bring a lot of healing into my life when I was a young Christian.

2. The Normal Christian Life by Watchman Nee - I just recently read this, and think it is a must read for any Chrisitan, you can find it FREE online.

3. Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis - another classic, probably available free online too

4. Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller - okay, I know this book has its detractors, but I enjoyed it anyway

5. So You Don't Want To Go To Church Anymore? by Jake Colsen - revolutionized the way I think about church - available FREE online at

6. Chuck Swindoll's Great Lives Series - this is a collection of books about various biblical figures, the latest release is on Jesus. I've read David, and Moses, want to get the others.

-- I'm sure there are others, just can't think of them now.

SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY!!!!Christians: What is your favorite christian book(s) other than the Bible?
1. Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis- I am always referencing that book, because of its message and power for the modern man.

2. Red Moon Rising

3. Crazy Love by Francis Chan-I just read this and it was absolutely amazing!
The Left Behind Series by Tim Lahaye/Jerry JenkinsChristians: What is your favorite christian book(s) other than the Bible?
"My Utmost For His Highest", by Oswald Chambers, and ANYTHING from Ravi Zacharias.
the satanic verses by salman rushdieChristians: What is your favorite christian book(s) other than the Bible?
Bondage breaker by Neil T. Anderson

"The Bondage Breaker" and "Victory over the Darkness" by Neil T. Anderson.

"A Woman's Guide to Spiritual Warfare" by Quin Sherrer and Ruthanne Garlock.

"Escaping the Religious System" by Dan Mace.

"Hind's Feet in High Places" by Hannah Hurnard.

"The Hiding Place" by Corrie ten Boom.

Oh yes, I really loved the Watchman Nee book!

I enjoyed Charles Haddon Spurgeon so much, I bought his complete works- everything he wrote.

I love to read any book by Andrew Murray also.

"The Way of the Master" and "Hell's Best Kept Secret" by Ray Comfort.

Anything by Charles Spurgeon.

"Future Grace" and "What Jesus Demands from the World" by John Piper

Oh, and "Money, Possessions and Eternity" by Randy Alcorn
The Book of Mormon

Faith Precedes the Miracle: Spencer W. Kimball

The Miracle of Forgiveness: Spencer W. Kimball

Jesus The Christ: James E. Talmage
I like all your choices. I am reading The Divine Conspiracy by Willard Dallas and really like that. It is the third in a series and I have not read the others. I like anything by Charles Colson. I think he is a modern day apostle, leading us into areas we have not gone. I enjoyed reading Rob Bell's books (Sex and God and the Velvet Elvis). Although I'm not sure I agree with everything he has to say, I think his viewpoint is refreshing. Charles Schaeffer was another modern day prophet who challenged Christians to another level. His books are heavy philosophically, but very valuable if you can get through them. That's my list off the top of my head.
with you being a man you may not read love stories but if by chance you want to here are some

1 love come softly

2 his enduring promise

3 loves long journey

4 his abiding joy

5 loves un folding dreams

these are books about how about a frontier family back in the 1800s

these were good movies it also tells how God bought them together and the heart breaking of loss spouses and children and their faith in God
Well, though the writer was Christian, and the book is fiction, I enjoy reading the Silmarillion by JRR Tolkien. It's the only book I've ever come across that does any justice to explaining the different ages or eons of time. I believe he got the idea for those ages in that book from 2Peter 3 and his description of Morgoth the dark lord had to be taken from the description of the King of Tyre as described Ezekiel 28.
You and I have a lot in common. These Christian books impacted me the most:

1. The Normal Christian Life (Watchman Nee).

If Nee lived in the 1st century, the Bible would have the Book of Nee instead of the Book of Romans. Nee does a better job explaining the concepts in the Book of Romans than Paul does. Nee died in a Chinese prison in 1972.

2. Improving Your Serve (Chuck Swindoll)

A practical way to give to others, the extent to which you should do it, and the higher purpose of why to do it.

3. The Divine Romance (Gene Edwards)

For the big picture. It answers why God made us.

4. The Grand Inquisitor (Fyodor Dostoevsky)

Just what was in those three questions the devil tempted Jesus with? This is perhaps the most profound little book I have ever read. Actually, "The Grand Inquisitor" is just one chapter in the larger book "The Brothers Karamazov".

The Homilies of St. John Chrysostom.
I read alot of Joyce Meyer books, and Michelle McKinney Hammond books.
The Book of God by Walter Wangerin, Jr.

Jesus by W. Wangerin, Jr.

Paul by W. Wangerin, Jr.

Why I am a Lutheran by Daniel Preus

Luther's Small Catechism by Martin Luther

Having a Mary Heart in a Marth World by Joanna Weaver

and getting ready to read The Spirituality of the Cross by Gene Veith


Jan Karon's Mitford Series

Robin Gunn's Sister Chicks

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