Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Good Christian Book to Read?

I am honestly and completely BORED. Summer started three days ago and I feel like delving into a good novel!

I really feel like reading something involving some sort of trail or travel, like the Gold Rush or Oregon Trail, or just something Western, but written very very well. Something... Full of hardships and trials that make them grow stronger, etc... etc...

Am I the only one who gets in moods where they only want a certain type of book? :P.

I know Janette Oke does some sort of books like that, but any certain recommendations?

I don't mean this to be specifically for the book type mentioned above, if you can post any good Christian books I would be very grateful =)!A Good Christian Book to Read?
Laura Jensen Walker - 'Getaway Girls'

Daring Chloe

Turning the Paige

Becca by the Book

Eryan Mangum

Miss Match



Sandra Byrd

Let Them Eat Cake

Bon Appetit

Piece de Resistance
Have you ever heard of Brock and Brodie Thoene? They have written some amazing Christian Historical fiction series. My personal favorites are The Zion Chronicles and The Zion Covenant. They are absolutely wonderful books about WWII. The characters are fictional but the settings and the history is real. You will fall in love with the characters and become fascinated with their journeys. There is love, mystery, history, action, suspense and anything else you can think of. Enjoy!A Good Christian Book to Read?
Oh, one of my best friends loves these kinds of books. She asked me to read a couple books by Francine Rivers and I honestly did enjoy them, even though the whole Christian thing doesn't really interest me. I believe the books she asked me to read were The Mark of the Lion series, or something like that. Another one she likes is Redeeming Love.

Another book with morals (if that's what you're searching for) is the Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls. I loved that book, even though it isn't really Christian.
You should definitely try The Chronicles of Narnia if you haven't read them yet. I also reccomend The Space trilogy (also by C.S. Lewis). You might also want to read some older books. Anything before about 1930 is pretty clean. some of my favorite classics authors are: L.M. Montgomery, Louisa May Alcott, Mark Twain, Charles Dickens, Jane Austen.A Good Christian Book to Read?
why does it have to be christian...? There are many books out there that aren't christian that are masterpieces of literature. Don't just categorize it into christian..
Read the left behind series. It is about the rapture and how it would be for those left behind.
Radican by David Platt!! Is an amazing book!
if you feel like reading something involving some sort of trail or travel this book is extremely exciting
God's Smuggler BY Brother Andrew
A True story

As a boy he dreamed of being a spy undercover behind enemy lines. As a man he found himself undercover for God. Brother Andrew was his name and for decades his life story, recounted in God's Smuggler, has awed and inspired millions. The bestseller tells of the young Dutch factory worker's incredible efforts to transport Bibles across closed borders--and the miraculous ways in which God provided for him every step of the way.

i was feeling like i don't want to finish it
tell me ur opinion after u will read it xD

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