Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Any good Objective book - Christian vs Athiesm, or other religions

Anyone know of any literature written by someone who was impartial? Is there a God? Who is the Historical Jesus? What is the bible? How accurate is it? I don't care's whos right I just want toknow the facts outside of some screaming madman.Any good Objective book - Christian vs Athiesm, or other religions
The problem with your question is that there is no way to be completely objective on the subject.

Simply having the desire to write a book about religion breaks down any objectivity the author might have had.

An objective book about, say, the origins of life for example would be science book and there are thousands of them. To read about both sides, you'd have to read these science books and read books about Creationism. You probably won't find too many respected scientists writing books about Creationism because they've got better things to do.

Though may I suggest reading "Ishmael" by Daniel Quinn and the follow up "The Story of B." Quinn seems to know his science and values religion for what it is. He uses both to form a very different picture of reality that is quite fascinating.
I haven't found one yet. However, my solution was to read "madmen" like Kent Hovind and Richard Dawkins, and see both sides of the issue.

You could also read "The Good Book" by Peter Gomez and "God is Not Great" by Christopher Hitchens, for opposing views.

I haven't seen anyone walk right down the center.

In the end, I have found the anti-religion writing to be more compelling in terms of getting the "facts" right.Any good Objective book - Christian vs Athiesm, or other religions
I recommend "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins

While he may not be impartial, he bases his claims on evidence and science

And science IS impartial
go to youtube and write ISLAM VS CHRISTIANITY. it's a debate on which religion is right.Any good Objective book - Christian vs Athiesm, or other religions
Beyond Opinion by Ravi Zacharias.
The Case for Christ.

by Strobal. non fiction

its about an atheist journalist. that tried to prove God isn't real, but found the truth, he talks to doctors, professors, and arch. (some of the smartest people in the world.) He finds real life evidence of the crucification of Jesus, and how the miracles God worked were true. Its very interesting
No one is totally impartial. Everyone has preconceptions and "lenses" through which they intrepret reality...goal is to be open minded enough and have enough Emotional IQ to see when we are being intolerant of those who differ from our own worldview.

I've read several books by Atheists and Christians, and enjoy most, but I specifically mark down the blatant ad hominem attacks and irrelevant rantings and sarcasm. They don't help either side establish their "case."


Best pro-Christian-- Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis, Case for Christ by Lee Strobel, Anything written by William Lane Craig (i.e. God?: A Debate between a Christian and an Atheist (Criag also does public debates against atheists on college campuses)

Best Atheist-- God is Not Great by Christopher Hitchens, Letter to a Christian Nation by Sam Harris, and the classic Bertrand Russell "Why I am not a Christian, and other essays"

good luck...

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