Saturday, February 18, 2012

What book should I read other than the Bible which would help me be a more mature Christian?

I think Foxe's Book of Martyrs did that for me, but what do you point to?What book should I read other than the Bible which would help me be a more mature Christian?
I would suggest a small book by C. I. Schofield, "Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth."

Only 64 pages but if taken to heart will unlock the Bible for life. Each of it's ten chapters focuses on one of the major divisions of truth in the Bible.

The Jew, the Gentile and the Church of God

The Seven Dispensations.

The Two Advents.

The Two Resurrections.

The Five Judgments.

Law and Grace.

The Believers Two Natures.

The Believers Standing and State.

Salvation and Rewards.

Believers and Professors.

The differences between each are highlighted and if could be kept in mind as you study the Word will enable you to grow in grace, a workman who needs not to be ashamed.

Walk in truth my friend.
If I were a thinking Christian, I'd be reading books on how the Bible came together, by authors who were peer reviewed educated teachers.

1. For Old Testament, I'd be reading things by Amy Jill Levine. Ph. D., teaches at Princeton, I think.

2. For New Testament, Bart Ehrman, Ph. D., Chair, U of NC, Chapel Hill, reads and writes several ancient languages....Greek, Latin, Aramaic, and Hebrew + several dialects. Author of over 20 books, lecturer at Rel. Studies Week at Berkeley one year, along with the Dali Lama.What book should I read other than the Bible which would help me be a more mature Christian?
A new dictionary, and a older one. The Alphabet. Understanding the words you read, gospel used to be Godspell, knowing that portmanteaus are words combined helps, concordance, seeing it as together Heart dance, opens a door to just what they did in code.
the year of living biblically

its a funny book but it gives you so much to think about,

same with Lamb by christopher moore

they turn everything u have learned so far on its ear, i love that :)What book should I read other than the Bible which would help me be a more mature Christian?
It sounds as though you really don't know much about the Bible, so why the need to look at other books? God isn't enough for you?
The Call by Rick Joyner

The Sword and the Torch by Rick Joyner

The Gospel of Thomas- The one from the Nag Hammadi finds

Darwin's Black Box by Michael Behe
"Orthodoxy," "The Everlasting Man," both by G. K. Chesterton

Books by Thomas Merton, my favorite is "The Sign of Jonas."
Origin of Species
"Letter to a Christian Nation"

"The Demon-Haunted World"

"The God Delusion"

Those would be a good start.

The God Delusion
Try this one:

Sagan, Carl...The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark
Tortured for Christ

Get a free copy-

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