Sunday, February 12, 2012

I need Christian book reviews!!!!!?

Ok so i just wanted to ask what all you Christians like me thought about the twilight series? I read the first book and am so hooked, but my parents won't let me read them anymore. I'm not going to disobey them, but I just wanted to know your well thought out Christian opinions.

Thanks!! :)I need Christian book reviews!!!!!?
I do not think that there is any harm in reading the books.. The fact that you have interest in reading something (not saying that you do not read a lot but there are a lot of people who do not read these days! )should be encouraged not discouraged!

The series are just stories and I can see the where your parents are coming from, they probably just do not want to see you pregnant or get any influences off of the stories. However as parents they should talk to you about what you are reading and practice communicating. There are a lot worse things out there than fictional stories that involve vampires who fall in love with humans and end up Juno-tized!

I hope this helps and I really hope you get to contiue reading the books my friends have told me about them and get really excited or in to it when they explain what happens or what they like. By the way they are Christian too! Good luck! I need Christian book reviews!!!!!?
well of course vampires are not in the bible and they are not very "biblical".

i am a christian myself but see no harm in them. I love the series.

They are not like normal vampires. They are not harmed by crosses(one of the reasons they are not biblical)and drink animal blood instead of human.Explain this to your parents and see what they say. It's a shame you cant read them,though,cuz they are friggen awesome.

May God bless you,

From vampire girl

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