Wednesday, February 15, 2012

FOR CHRISTIAN BOOK READERS ONLY: I am looking for a certain book.?

A few years ago I bought a Christian book that helped me greatly in my spiritual life. I lost the book during a trip to Africa, and I need to get a copy again. However, I don't remember the title. That's where I need your help. Does anyone recognize the description below?

It's about pocket size, with a white (or blue?) soft cover. The main distinguishing characteristic of the content is that it prescribes the daily reciting of THE LORD'S PRAYER and THE 23RD PSALM as a means of getting closer to God and changing your life. This is, actually, what the book is about. If you've read it, you will remember this.

May God bless you.FOR CHRISTIAN BOOK READERS ONLY: I am looking for a certain book.?
Check out these two sites to see if you recognize the cover.

Both sites have a keyword search.

Good luck and God bless you. :-)
the god delusion.FOR CHRISTIAN BOOK READERS ONLY: I am looking for a certain book.?
How can you never read the title of the book??

I will try to google some stuff. Good luck
i would suggest you mix in something non-fictional.....try "the god delusion" by richard dawkins.FOR CHRISTIAN BOOK READERS ONLY: I am looking for a certain book.?
I would recommend college
not sure what you are talking about... sorry!!

however, if you would like a good christian book to read... try "messy spirituality"... WONDERFUL!

I read Bible each day.

I study my Bible each day.

I pray for you!

God bless you!
I have seen quite a few small books like this but can not remember any of their titles. In the mean time I would suggest reading a chapter of Proverbs daily read the chapter of Proverbs that corresponds to the calender day . If today's date is the 20th read chapter 20 of Proverbs. Proverbs is a book of God's wisdom and it is written as a parent to a child. You will find many great men and women in history have done this and it will be a blessing in your life also. I taught my children,nieces and nephews to do this and it is blessing them also
Sad to say...

Daily RECITATIONS just won't do it!

Get a Bible: read, mark, learn and integrate it into your life.


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