Or possibly a Missal or Missalette. They contain songs that are sung every Sunday, if not throughout the week.What book in the Christian world has been recited more often than the Bible?
The Divine Liturgy... you wouldn't happen to be Orthodox by chance, would you?
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I belong to one of the Eastern Rite Catholic churches...or rather my parents do.. I belong to the local RC church, (alas, these days, only in spirit, since I am fallen away). There is much I do not know about my own Liturgy, and I am delighted to know it has such deep roots.
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What book in the Christian world has been recited more often than the Bible?Probably the Koran or the Pentateuch section of the Tanach.
Muslims have a big thing about reading the Koran and learning it by heart, although they often don't understand as its 7C Arabic. Someone who can memorised it is called a hafiz. Its easier to learn than
the Bible as its semi-poetic and short, whereas the Bible has all sorts of material.
Orthodox Jews are also supposed to know the 1st 5 books of the Bible by heart, there are instructions that they must know God's commandments and the history of God's deliverance of them.
The "hail Mary" is recited a lot of course by catholics, but that is not a book but a short text.
I wouldn't think the bible is recited very often -- it would take a long time to recite it. In fact, I doubt that there are any books that get recited at all unless you count the shorter books of the bible that sometimes are memorized and recited by people. I believe the most quoted Christian author of the 20th century is supposed to be CS Lewis, but I'm not sure how you would prove that. I just quoted him a couple of days ago and I didn't report it to anyone (until now). But I quote the bible much more often (and more competently, too).What book in the Christian world has been recited more often than the Bible?
I'm not sure which book has been "recited" most often, but here are perhaps some of the most popular Christian books of all time:
1- "Pilgrim's Progress" by John Bunyan
2- "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis
3- "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers
4- "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren
Rick Warrens book The Purpose Driven Life is in second place
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