Sunday, February 12, 2012

Is it a sin if you're a Christian but the Bible isnt your favorite book?

I really like The Bible, I really do. But my favorite book is The Catcher In The Rye. I feel The Bible should be, but sometimes the Bible is so confusing and long, I just cant really read it from start to finish, but in parts.

Is it a sin if you're a Christian but the Bible isnt your favorite book?
No, it's not a sin. The Bible, in fact, is not a book. It's more of a covenant, which are testaments. It's a bit hard to explain, but most people don't consider the Bible to be a regular book. It's a bit more of a reference object.

Actually, speaking of "Object", it's actually more like a Sacramental Object, like the rosary.

So, I'm sure that it is not a sin to have a favorite book other than the Bible, because I'm sure your theology teachers would mention this.

And, finally, God gave us free will, which lets us choose things, including favorite books!

Hope that makes sense :)
B- basic

I- instructions

B- before

L- leaving

E- Earth

I'm not sure who said that first but it fits very well.

The bible is many things. It's a history, it's a love story, its a book of promises made and kept, it's a prophetic book, an inspiring book, it's a love letter. It's filled with passion, betrayal, consequences, redemption, restoration, miracles, good, evil, choices, and so much more.

No it was never required that it be your favorite book.

God said that it's words are to be written on our heart. He said " study to show thyself approved unto God...."

It is the standard by which a Christian "tries " the words of others. It is also the standard by which to "try" spirits.

The Bible was never really meant to be a recreational reading, though one can certainly find pleasure in reading it. It was meant to change lives, give hope in troubled times. To follow the teachings of Jesus brings us to a place where we become better people. Anyone who is hate filled isn't following Jesus example.Is it a sin if you're a Christian but the Bible isnt your favorite book?
There are many ways to study the Bible. If you are a christian, you should know that Jesus will help you to love His words. Sometimes we can't have an appetite for the Word of God, because we feast on other materials (secular ones). Try different translations of the Bible. Make the Bible a part of your life, that is, seek help for your daily living in the Bible. Every single thing that can affect you, the principle is stated in the Bible. Like a manual for a machine, the Bible is the Christian's manual.
Ok I don't know if you're serious or not, but just the fact that people have to constantly ask "is this a sin?" isn't all that healthy.

Read what you want to read kid, but just watch out if Palin gets into office because one of your favorite books just might be banned!Is it a sin if you're a Christian but the Bible isnt your favorite book?
The bible should be a book that you love....not necessarily meaning your "favorite". You should love the bible with your heart, your mind, your body...use it as a life guide, but also enjoy other books too. One may even be your favorite. Catcher in The Rye is a great book! (And so is Anna Karenina)
It doesn't say anywhere in the Bible that the Bible has to be your favorite book. You can read others as much as you want, as long as when you are reading the Bible, you are taking away the true meaning of the messages it delivers.
Well, the Catcher and the Rye is a terrible book as it has no plot, but to answer your question no, it's absolutely not a sin.

The bible is just a book like every other book in existence.

So no.

You're not going to burn in Hell and suffer for all eternity because there are much more interesting things to be reading and doing with your time ;]
if you are roman-catholic christian, no..

but if you're a bible-fundie christian, definitely!
I don't seem to recall thinking the bible is an entertaining read as any of the commandments, so I think you're pretty safe.
Catcher in The Rye...what a nice serial killer favorite. typical
I hope not. I love the bible, but my favorite book is "The True Believer", by Eric Hoffer.
Try reading the New Testament.

The message is what is important. And what you do with the message.

God love you!
No. You can still like the Bible, but it doesnt have to be your favorite. You should still read it everyday.
I don't think its' a sin at all, you're allowed to like other things besides things just having to do with God.
no, thats not a sin at all. i also love reading the bible but it's not my fav book.
Of course not!

God gave you freedom of choice didn't he?

Otherwise you'd be a zombie doing only his will lol!
yes, it is one of the biggest sins.
course not

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