Sunday, February 12, 2012

How Priest or Pop or a Christian can burn the book that ?

- Contains the name of Jesus with most respect

- Establish Jesus as a True prophet of God

- Respects the Merry the mother of Jesus

That book is Quran.

How do you think that is it right or wrong. If you say it is right to burn Quran then it means if I write the name of Jesus on a paper or cloth and ask you to burn you will burn it because you have no repect for Jesus name.How Priest or Pop or a Christian can burn the book that ?
You mean MUSLIMS who burn the Bible.

2005: News Story of the fact that Saudi Arabia desecrates hundreds of Bibles annually.

Nobody says a word about it.

2006: Muslim Students urinate, spit on and then burn the Bible publicly.

No voices are raised against this.

2007: Christians in Gaza fear for their Lives as Muslims burn Bibles and destroy Crosses.

None of the Liberals and their PC Brigades expresses any concern for this either.

2008: Muslims burn Bible in Pakistan


Muslims burn Bible in Pakistan鈥?/a>

Christians in Gaza Fear for Their Lives as Muslims Burn Bibles and Destroy Crosses鈥?/a>

Australia: Muslim Students Urinate, Spit on Then Burn Bible鈥?/a>

Saudi Arabia Desecrates Hundreds of Bibles Annually鈥?/a>

Wahabi Imam to burn the Bible in Cairo!鈥?/a>

Muslims set Bible ablaze
By islamic law, it is surely forbidden to muslims to burn the Quran. The rest of humanity is not subjected to Islamic law and the Quran becomes a stack of inked paper in the hands of a non-muslim. Muslims have to share the planet Earth with non-muslims and this is what really upsets you: that non-muslims do not submit to Islamic law.How Priest or Pop or a Christian can burn the book that ?
Your ' holy' quran denies the divinity of Jesus Christ and it denies his resurrection, among other things. It also sactions pedophilia and extreme violence against anyone who doesn't believe it its prophet and its god. As far as I'm concerned it is not a holy book at all, it's a book of fairy tales written by satan.
It is a book. It is ink and paper. There is no command from God or Allah that tells us to take action against those who burn either the Bible or the Koran. It is a presumption of ours and our pride that is offended, which is a sin.

The sin is our pride. When we try to stop the burning, it is our pride that makes that demand.How Priest or Pop or a Christian can burn the book that ? be fair said book also says you ought to kill Christians.

9:5 Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

2:191: And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers.
I'm only aware of two Quran burning incidents recently, neither of which were actually carried out. The people in question weren't priests or the pope. Terry Jones is a self-appointed pastor with a tiny congregation who openly admits he's never read the Quran and probably doesn't even know what it has to say about Jesus.

I have to ask though - if you can never destroy bibles or qurans then isn't there a danger that sooner or later religious types will convert every atom on the planet into some sort of religious book because they won't be able to dispose of the old, worn out copies?
I would never burn the Quran publicly but if somebody gives it to me as a gift, I will return it to them with much love and respect but if they insist I have it, I will take it and burn it in the privacy of my own home. Why? Because it is a book of lies, yes it talks about mary and JESUS with much respect but tells lies about how things really happened.

In the Bible, Marry was engaged to Joseph before she got pregnant with JESUS from GOD.

In the Quoran it says Marry got pregnant but wasn't engaged.

In the Bible, JESUS gained his followers and believers.(he didn't speak as a baby to convince people of who he was/is) Mary was holy amongst all women because she gave birth to JESUS CHRIST. HE was not "just" a prophet, HE is GOD ALMIGHTY himself!

In the Quoran it says that Jesus spoke when he was just a baby to prove that Mary wasn't lying. Oh and it also says that Jesus was just a prophet, not the son of GOD.
Most people on this forum don't support the burning of Koran , OK fine. Similar consensus must come up on the issues of terrorism on the pretext of Jihad, systematic and planned conversion by Christian missionaries in poor countries in the name of humanitarian aid.

i am a Christian and i believe that it's disrespectful to burn any book that someone else believes in, including the Quran. and when a Christian disrespects another person in any way, he (or she) is in direct conflict one of Jesus' two greatest commands: that we love one another as He has loved us. Jesus respected everyone, even those who were crucifying Him! if He can love people that way, i think we Christians should have enough love for the Muslims to respect their holy book, even if we don't believe its words. besides that, Jesus also told His followers to forgive. burning the Quran sounds like an act of revenge for 9/11 to me, and i believe that is another direct disobedience to our Lord Jesus Christ. i am defending the Muslims, not because i believe what they believe, but out of love that the Man i follow told me to show, even if no one stands with me, although im sure there are plenty who will, im defending the Quran against this injustice. also, im testifying that not every Christian feels the same way about this incident, because im a Christian and i don't believe that burning the Quran is right.
"If you say it is right to burn Quran then it means if I write the name of Jesus on a paper or cloth and ask you to burn you will burn it"

No, it does not mean that. You fail at basic logic. Though really, did any of us expect any less?
Please allow me to state that -- as a Christian -- I have the utmost love and respect for Jesus Christ, and do find burning a book -- any book -- a deplorable act. I, personally, would never burn a Bible, Quran, or any other book, nor would I set the name of Jesus up in flames. While I don't agree with your religion and what it teaches, I do have enough decency as a human being to understand your feelings on this matter.

Having said this, I need to point out that -- here in America -- it is absolutely legal to burn any book, including Holy books, if and when one so desires. To stop someone from doing this is a violation of their Constitutional rights. What that means is, while I might not agree with book burnings and the like, I will not speak out against anyone's right to do so. Pastor Jones was well within his rights to burn the Quran.

My problem with Islam is this: You want your rights respected, protected, and upheld, yet you will not grant the same to others, especially Christians. Why not? Want proof? Oh, I've got it.

Did you know that in Dearborn, Michigan, it is legal for Muslims to hang copies of the Quran on the door knobs of private residences? It's true. A friend of mine lives in Dearborn, and has told me about this. My friend also happens to be an Armenian Christian, but we'll not talk about that right now...

Did you also know that -- in Dearborn, Michigan -- it is illegal for Christians to pass out copies of the Gospel of John within 5 blocks of the annual Arab festival? This past June, four Christian evangelicals were arrested for doing so, in a direct violation of their First Amendment rights and the upholding of Sharia law in America. It's true, and here's the proof:鈥?/a>

What I want to know is this: Why is Islam so threatened by Christianity that anyone passing out copies of the Gospel will be arrested? Doesn't the Gospel of John also speak highly of Jesus? Isn't this the same Jesus you speak of in your question, and in your Quran? Why are the rights of American Christians tossed in the gutter when a bunch of Muslims are gathered in the streets? Why do you demand respect when you will not give us the same, in our own country? Why, in America, does such a double standard exist?

If you have answers to any of these questions, I'd like to hear them.
Yes, of course it would be fine for me to burn a piece of paper with Jesus's name written on it. If it wasn't, i would be mistaking something in creation for the creator, which would be idolatry.
I am not the Judge, however it is a book, it is a material thing, that you cannot take with when you die. So why be upset over it?
It contains the name of Jesus along with false teaching about Jesus. Therefore the book is of the devil.
*snort* as if burning the book accomplishes anything anyways. Idiots all around.
When people kill other people in the name of couldn't get more disrespectful. People are God's creation.

What's more important? Human life or a book?
Just because its YOUR book does not make it OUR book.

By all means burn OUR book.

Here in the US, its ok.
Romans 12:21

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

NO NO to burning books please!!
You guys are just too sensitive! Lighten up!.
I don't like the burning of Any book.

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