I tend to think they are not frauds just slanting and expanding their perspective to perhaps an extreme. Olsteen in his TV sermons uses bible verses that back up his current ideas. And he always makes an invitation to become a believer in Jesus in each TV show.
Olsteen had no way of knowing that he would become such a success. He is, I think, because he appeals to what people want to hear in these times. Preaching about sin and damnation is not what people want to hear much about. Americans forget that millions in other countries have no chance to become rich as they might if they had the 'right' formula.
@Diony Most people also know who is really sham and a disgrace on this forum.
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Do you think most Christian non fiction book writers are frauds?Na just want to make a little money
And by telling it the way they see it well
They get published
The entire interpretation and perspective in which most people understand the bible is a total sham lmaoDo you think most Christian non fiction book writers are frauds?
Good point! It certainly can't be non-fiction if it's not proved fact. So, really these books are just opinion pieces. Unless they've personally seen a god or a devil or actually died!
Naw.... I didn't think so....
Frauds? Nah, they are just savvy businesspeople who supply a demand that's all.
In that respect all of us are supplying some type of demand when we work, provide a service, whether some think it a "good" or "bad" product is up for endless debates, but a service of some worth nonetheless.
The subject of "false teachers" is subjective because when it comes to bible teachings that exclude one another who's to say what is the correct one?
They all say the bible is the standard so go figure.
There's an old Jewish proverb that goes "A half truth is a whole lie."
Very true.
Some may be deceived themselves, and are deceiving others by passing on what they think and have been taught.
Some though, are quite aware that they are not correct...the deceptions are intentional.
Learning the basic doctrines provides the groundwork anyone needs to recognize the falsehoods we can encounter.
One possible explanation is that you're ALL wrong.
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