Sunday, February 5, 2012

Christians ...What's the last Christian book you wanted to burn in the backyard barbeque..?

I was just reading

Paul : the mind of the apostle : by A.N.Wilson

and after about 20 pages want to see it light up the sky with an acetylene torch .

also absolutely hated.... A purpose driven life . by Rick Warren .. tried for a week to read it and just kept wanting to kill someone ..." Myself "

Christians ..

any books you think the trash can is too good for ?Christians ...What's the last Christian book you wanted to burn in the backyard barbeque..?
Eh i tend to pick my books better than that but i would never read a Joel Olestine book, to much glitter and sunshine and that is just not life.
Book of MormonChristians ...What's the last Christian book you wanted to burn in the backyard barbeque..?
"The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins
hahaha--I tried reading christian fiction by Ted Dekker and it was horrible. Why is he so popular?Christians ...What's the last Christian book you wanted to burn in the backyard barbeque..?
The Left Behind series maybe a good start for me.

GOD bless
Anything by Brian McLaren, Donald Miller, Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer....there's a long list.
The last really bad book I read was the third installment of the Golden Compass series. Although there are certainly religious issues, the fact is that the story is very poorly written - even in comparison with the previous two books in the trilogy. I don't often find myself reading really poorly-written books like that.

However - I'd much rather sell it than trash it or burn it.

Most books by John Bevere I was diagnosed with panic disorder and anxiety attack after reading one of his books.Sorry ( if you are JB's fan) I am not trying to defame the brother but, these kind books need be taken out of circulation.
one minute after you die - lutzer...

and anything written by james dobson

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